...another manic monday...what's new?

Margo M.
on 1/23/11 7:29 pm - Elyria, OH
talk away- i chose to hit the snooze waaay to many times !

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


Monica B.
on 1/23/11 8:38 pm - Emery, SD
Morning, sober 82 days, so proud of me! Sun coming up, but it has been cool. I shouldn't complain, daughter and family heading home later to -22 temps. Hope they had fun at WDW. Photos show a really good time.
Speaking of cold temps, where is Al Gore during this global warming?
Hubby and I still recovering from WDW and the temps here. He is hurting with joint pain. I am OCDing some this morning. We have some errands to run. The traveling bra will help.
Prayers to all, Monica

on 1/23/11 9:12 pm - Shelbyville, MI
Good morning Margo and Monica and OFF family to post later. Happy Monday.

Monica you are doing great 82 days sober! Whhooooo! We are so proud of you.

It's cold, cold and more cold here in Michigan. Watched the football games yesterday and babysat Loulabelle who is almost 6 months old now.

Work is very tense right now. You can cut the air with the knife! I'm sure lay-offs are just around the corner and no one feels safe in this economy. I'll just keep thinking positive and what is happening is beyond my control. Life continues and I have to stop this stress eating. Some days I win, some days it's a draw and some days I shoot myself in the foot! LOL Hugs Debbie
on 1/23/11 10:08 pm - Alexander, AR
Good morning Margo, Monica, Debbie and those to come,

Well, here I am, 8 days left of my time off  and I'm still sleeping in the recliner, still have the drains, but at least I'm feeling better!  If I can get the drains out soon I want to start doing some short walks around the neighborhood to get some stamina back before I return to work next Tuesday. Gosh, this went fast!   Of course, I was drugged a good part of that first week, so who knows where that went....lol

Monica, I'm so proud of your sobriety!  You're an inspiration to us all.

Okay, off to call the doctor's office to see if I can talk them into removing the drains. Wish me luck!




on 1/23/11 10:46 pm - Bradenton, FL
Hi Im in Denver. I flew here yesterday morning. I have to go to the eye doctor in about an hour. I can talk long. Got to denver and I cant find my cell phone. Carl could find it at home eighter vanished in thin air. I know he gave it to me off the charger and poof it is gone!!!!!!! so luckily my fiend had a spare verizon phone hanging around so i activated that one so I do have a phone!!!!!!
I am seeing my surgeon tomorrow for a weight check and to see aboout a hernia I have.
Margo good luch about getting a car.\
Prayers for everone else
Monica Ill see ya next week sometime I got to show ya my new red car!!!!!
CArl baught me a new red Honda Fit on Wednesday.
image hosting site

on 1/23/11 11:50 pm - Somewhere in, NY
Bored.  Can you say Bored?  BORED!!!!!!

I knew it would be like this, but I hate being bored.  I'm used to jumping up as the spirit moves me to do whatever strikes my mood.  No jumping up here.

But, on the bright side...  It's a good week not to be able to go out and do anything.  Temp was minus 7 degrees last night.  It's all the way up to 4 above today.  Big whoop!

Monica, I continue to follow your success, and am so pleased for you.  Perhaps the traveling bra has given you an extra mental boost?

Susan, hang in there girl.  I know when Janet got rid of the drains she felt so much better. 

I'm thinking Maui Karen is still in California, wondering how that's going....

I haven't been having much pain at all.  1/2 of a small Lortab once a day took care of the discomfort the first few days.  Took a whole one Saturday night and slept for 17 hours.  Won't try that again....  I've switched to Tylenol, mostly for the aches and pains associated with the use of the walker.  That's hard work!  I never expected to use so many muscles.  Dr. appt Wednesday.  Hoping he'll increase the weight bearing, but I have my doubts for the next few weeks.  He's adamant about staying off the foot to encourage good healing.

Eating better. Too much work to get up and wander into the kitchen whenever the mood strikes me. 

The cat hair is taking over the house.  Gonna get someone to come and vaccuum.

I'm grumpy.  But then I expected that.

Keeping on.



peggy H.
on 1/24/11 12:37 am
Dear Candie, Wish I could be your vacuum fairy, but, the cold in your somewhere state would make a frozen vacuum pusher out of me. Waiting to hear the outcome of Candie and furballs. Later.

on 1/24/11 1:01 am - Alexander, AR
Peg, it just dawned on me that Candy and I should have planned our surgeries at the same time, same place. At least I can carry a cup of cofffee and we could have kept each other from going stir crazy.

Can't do vacuuming either, but what the hell, who cares anyway?



on 1/24/11 1:48 am - Somewhere in, NY
I figure that in a few days the cat hair will be thick enough that I'll be able to weave it into yarn for a lap robe......  It's certainly cold enough for one. 

I love those little darlins, but I HATE the cat hair.


peggy H.
on 1/24/11 2:20 am

Susan, I'm with you about the vacuum cleaner. Have tried to get the honeyman to fall in love with that house hold appliance, no luck. He loves his outdoor tools, keeps them all neatly stacked, hummm. Indoor tools not so much.

Carry on cuppa coffee cutie & Candie's vacuum buddy( not)

Later dear girls, Peg 


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